Medicare Open Enrollment


Medicare’s Open Enrollment period is October 15th - December 7th. This is your time to make changes to your existing coverage.

Family Service has a team of trained Medicare Navigators to make this progress fast and efficient. Make an appointment today, and you can be assured that you’ll get all the information you need to make the best decision for yourself.

We can help you:

  • Switch from Original Medicare to Medicare Advantage, and vice vera.

  • Add, change, or drop your prescription drug coverage (Medicare Part D).

  • Switch to a new private insurer.

  • Choose a new provider and/or plan for Medicare Part B Supplemental Insurance.


Anyone who is eligible to for Medicare can make an appointment with Family Service during Open Enrollment.

Service Area

Champaign, Douglas, and Piatt Counties

Champaign and Piatt Counties, call 217-352-5100.

Douglas County, call 217-599-1324.


None! This service is funded by the State of Illinois.

Medicare Made easy

We make the process easy. You can have your appointment over the phone, at our offices, or in the third place of your choosing. All we need is your Medicare card, a valid ID, and a complete list of your prescriptions, including dosages.

Call today for your appointment:

217-352-5100 (Champaign and Piatt Counties)

217-599-1324 (Douglas County)

Elderly woman
I had all my questions answered, and it didn’t take very long. I feel like I got the best deal for me with my list of medications. My Medicare Navigator was friendly and knowledgeable.