Self-Help Center


Disabilities (General)


Access UP! (2013 F,L)

This on-line group is part of the Uniting Pride (UP) Center of Champaign County. The group hopes for dialogue among individuals with disabilities and their allies. Topics of conversation are not limited. They can include accessibility, independence, community building, and sexuality (heterosexual, lesbian, gay, bisexual, asexual, and any other identity you choose). The group is open to all individuals over the age of 18. To stay connected with the group, join on Facebook at

Call: UP Center (217) 550-4248 Email: Local Website:

Advocates for Access (1991 F,L)

This advocacy group is a forum for people with disabilities, their family, and friends to work towards eliminating physical, attitudinal, and legal barriers in the community. Advocates for Access empowers people to work with their peers toward solutions to overcome access barriers. Meeting times and days may change, but this is rare. Call to confirm a meeting before attending. PACE membership fee is $15 per year. PACE provides a newsletter and has an equipment loan program. Meets 1st Wed., 1:30-2:30 p.m., PACE, 1317 E. Florida Ave., Urbana on the north side of Sunnycrest Center.

Phone: (217) 344-5433 (voice), (217) 689-0289 (video phone) Email: Format: Schedule: Location:Local Website: Write: PACE, 1317 E. Florida Ave., Urbana, IL 61801

CU Able (2014, F, L) This group is passionate about helping individuals with disabilities and those involved in their care by creating a safe and accepting support network within the local community. The group focuses not only on advocacy and awareness, but also on helping its members incorporate self care into their routine and by hosting social events. There are group meetings and an on-line support and resource community on Facebook at CU Able. Meeting times and locations vary. Contact via e-mail below.

Contact person: Phone: Email: Format: Schdule: location: Local Website:

Illinois Early Intervention (EI) Clearinghouse This clearinghouse identifies and collects research-based early-intervention best-practice information to share with families. It provides a free lending library of parenting and special needs DVDs, books, and journals related to the development of young children with special needs, including autism, Down syndrome, and speech disorders. The staff can help families and service providers find resources. The website has links to other resources in the state and nation. Call: Sarah Isaacs (217) 333-1386 or toll free (877) 275-3227 Email: Email: Local Website: Write: Illinois Early Intervention Clearinghouse, Early Childhood and Parenting Collaborative, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Children’s Research Center, Rm. 20, 51 Gerty Dr., Champaign, IL 61820

Independent Living Skills Training (2015 F,P) This group is open to all people with disabilities and is designed to teach and improve independence. Topics will include independent living skills, healthy living, the history of disability, disability rights, advocacy, and more. Members who are interested can create goals and an independent living plan. Call: (217) 344-5433 Email: Local Website: Write: PACE, Inc., 1317 E. Florida Ave., Urbana, IL 61801

Speak Out! (2008 F,P/L) This group is for teens and young adults with disabilities. The group helps youth to speak up for their rights, socialize, and have a good time. It meets at the same time as the Parents of Adults with Disabilities support group. The group is sponsored by Community Choices, Inc. Bring snacks and drinks to share. Meets 2nd Thurs., 7:00-8:30 p.m., Sept.-May, St. Matthew Lutheran Church, 2200 Philo Rd., Urbana. Call: Ryan Thompson at Community Choices (217) 621-1090 Email: Email: Local Website: Write: Community Choices, Inc., P.O. Box 17551, Urbana, IL 61803


Parent 2 Parent (1999 F,P) This group is for parents of teenagers and young adults with disabilities that focuses on the transition process from school to adult life. These meetings provides an opportunity for parents to become familiar with the agencies and professionals who can ease the transition process. Newsletters and group literature are available. Meets 2nd Tues., 6:00-7:30 p.m., Lawrence Education Adult Center, 101 E. Laurel St., Springfield. National Website: Write: Carolyn Thorpe, Springfield Center for Independent Living, 330 South Grand Ave. West, Springfield, IL62704

Autism / Asperger’s Syndrome


Adults with High Functioning Autism or Asperger’s (2014 F,L) This group provides adults with high functioning autism or Asperger’s syndrome support, friendship, and encouragement. Meets 2nd Sat. 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. at the U of I Family Resiliency Center, Doris Kelley Christopher Hall, 904 W. Nevada St., Urbana. Call: 217-244-1395 Write: The Autism Program (TAP) at the University of Illinois 904 W. Nevada Ave. Urbana, IL 61801

C-U Autism Network (1995 F,P/L) This is a support group for anyone living with or working with someone on the autism spectrum. Anyone with autism is also welcome. Phone support, education, and networking opportunities for individuals living with or supporting those with autism spectrum disorders are provided. The group sponsors meetings, workshops, and family/caregiver events, offers opportunities to exchange information on resources, trainings, interventions, legislation, advocacy, and more via e-mail, website, and listserv. Check the website for information on meetings, family events, and workshops. Email: Local Website: Write: C-U Autism Network, P.O. Box 107, Savoy, IL 61874

East Central Illinois

Parent Support Group for Parents Raising Children on the Autism Spectrum (2003 F,P) This support group, sponsored by the Autism Society of Central Illinois, is for parents and caregivers of children with autism spectrum disorders. Group is co-facilitated by Dr. Karen Kirkendall, PhD, a developmental psychologist with a specialty in developmental disabilities, and Catherine Wells, LCPC, a licensed professional counselor specializing in children and families. Meets on the 1st Thurs. of the month, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., Noll Medical Pavilion, 5220 S. 6th St. Rd., Rm. 1800, Springfield. Call: Karen Kirkendall, PhD (217) 206-7246 or Catherine Wells, LCPC (217) 561-1159 Email: Local Website: Write: Autism Society of Central Illinois, 5220 S. 6th St. Rd., Ste. 1300, Springfield, IL62703


Autism/Asperger’s Syndrome Support Group for Macon County (2006 F,P) This group provides support for parents, grandparents, relatives, and professionals who live or work with children with autism and Asperger’s syndrome. The group provides time to share, listen, and learn from one another about what can be done to help loved ones with autism succeed in life. Meets monthly at Garfield Montessori School. Call for meeting dates and times. An informal coffee group meets to get to know others and make friends who truly understand. Call Jan to be added to the group e-mail or phone list or for information on resources. Call: Jan Kriisa (217) 855-9890 Email: Write: Jan Kriisa, 2187 Hoyt Dr., Decatur, IL 62522


Autism Society of McLean County (A) This organization provides support for families, adults, and teens on the autism spectrum or with similar struggles. Family outings, sports camps, autism education and awareness, sensory bags, and getting started kits are also offered. Call: Jacquie Mace, President (309) 661-9440 Email: Local Website: Write: 2404 E. Empire Ave., Ste. 231, Bloomington, IL 61704


Puzzled Minds Vermilion County (2011 F,P/L) This support group is for both families and professionals. If you are a parent with a child, or a professional that works with children who have an autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, OCD, ODD, or a mood disorder, this group is for you. We bring families and professionals together to brainstorm ideas, share resources, advocate for children and offer support. Additional services offered include workshops, Sensory Santa and other family events. Two Roads Crossing, 1101 E. Winter Ave., Danville. Call: Lori Acree (217) 840-5627 (call or text) Email: Local Website:

Blind / Vision Impaired


Autumn Fields Low Vision Group This group provides education and support to people with low vision or vision loss. Open to all with guest sign-in at the front desk. Newsletter and resource information are available. Veterans and all are welcome. Free parking. For a private appointment call PACE, Inc. Meets 3rd Thursday, 3:00 p.m., Autumn Fields Savoy, Activities Room, 65 E. Airport Rd., Savoy. Call: PACE (217) 344-5433, X18 (voice), (217) 689-0289 (video phone) or (217) 344-5024 (TTY) Local Website: Write: Low Vision Support Group, PACE, 1317 E. Florida Ave., Urbana, IL 61801-6044

Eagle’s View Vision Loss Support Group (Rantoul) (2000 F,P) This group provides education and support to people with vision loss who are residents of Eagle’s View or who live in the Rantoul area. For a private appointment call PACE, Inc. Newsletter and resource information are available. Free parking; walking required. Veterans and all are welcome. Please call ahead of time to confirm meeting time/dates. Usually meets 2nd Tuesday, 2:00 p.m., Eagle’s View, 200 W. International Dr., Rantoul. Call: PACE (217) 344-5433, X18 (voice), (217) 689-0289 (video phone) or (217) 344-5024 (TTY) Email: Local Website: Write: EV-Low Vision Support Group, PACE, 1317 E. Florida Ave., Urbana, IL 61801-6044

Low Vision Support Group – East Central Illinois (1989 F,P/L) This group is a life and goal-oriented group that provides support and education to people with low vision and their family members. This group is technology-rich for those wanting to learn more about computers, cell-phones, etc. from others. Newsletter and resource information are available, as well as one-on-one appointments. Free parking, members may bring snacks, but not required to participate. Meets monthly with the exception of December and August. Call: PACE (217) 344-5433, X18 (voice), (217) 689-0289 (video phone) or (217) 344-5024 (TTY) Email: Local Website: Write: ECI-Low Vision Support Group, PACE, 1317 E. Florida Ave., Urbana, IL 61801-6044

Rural Champaign County Special Ed Cooperative (RCCSEC) This group only provides phone support and a lending library for parents of children who are visually impaired. Call: Pam Golden (217) 220-1336 (cell) Email: Local Website: Write: Pam Golden, Rural Champaign County Special Ed Cooperative, 807 N. Mattis, Champaign, IL 61821

Windsor of Savoy Vision Loss Support Group (2012 F,P) This low vision support group provides education and support to people with vision loss who are residents of the Windsor of Savoy or surrounding Savoy area. Newsletter and resource information are available. Meeting room is on the east side, near entrance. For a private appointment call PACE, Inc. Free parking; walking required. Veterans and all are welcome. Meets 4th Fri., 10:00 a.m., Windsor of Savoy Retirement Community, 401 Burwash Ave., Savoy. Call: PACE (217) 344-5433 (voice), (217) 689-0289 (video phone) or (217) 344-5024 (TTY) Email: Local Website: Write: WOS-Low Vision Support Group, PACE, 1317 E. Florida Ave., Urbana, IL 61801-6044


Douglas County Vision Loss Support Group (2016, F,P/L) This support group is for those in Douglas County who are experiencing vision loss, as well as their friends and families. People share thoughts, struggles, triumphs, obstacles, and adjustments to vision loss. Meetings include referrals, information, peer counseling, and coping skills. Meeting dates/times based on accommodation availability. Location/s to be determined. Call ahead to confirm meeting dates/times or for a one-on-one appointment. Call: PACE, Inc (217) 344-5433 Email: Local Website: Write: Douglas-VIN, PACE, 1317 E. Florida Ave., Urbana, IL 61801-6044


Edgar County Low Vision Group (2014 F,P/L) This group provides education and support to people with vision loss. Newsletter and resource information are available. For a private appointment call PACE, Inc. Free parking; walking required. Check Library for meeting room; there is an elevator available. (Bathroom requires key from front desk on main floor.) Veterans and all are welcome. Please call ahead of time to confirm meeting date/time. Meets every other month at the Paris Public Library, 207 S. Main St., Paris. Call: PACE (217) 344-5433, X18 (voice), (217) 689-0289 (video phone) or (217) 344-5024 (TTY) Email: Local Website: Write: Low Vision Support Group, PACE, 1317 E. Florida Ave., Urbana, IL 61801-6044


Piatt County Vision Loss Support Group (2000 F,P/L) This group is for Monticello and Piatt County residents who are experiencing vision loss. The group addresses new ways to accomplish old tasks, such as reading, writing, and cooking. People share thoughts, struggles, triumphs, obstacles, and adjustments to vision loss. Transportation is available. Please call ahead to confirm meeting date/time. Free parking; Veterans welcome. Meets 1st Tues., 1:30-3:00 p.m., at the Tatman Village, 2000 E. Washington, Monticello, IL. For transportation, call Leanne Griffin, Faith in Action (217)762-7575. Call: PACE (217) 344-5433 Email: Email:


Vermilion County Vision Loss Support Group (2016 F,P/L) This group is for Danville and Vermilion County residents who are experiencing vision loss, as well as their friends and families. People share thoughts, struggles, triumphs, obstacles, and adjustments to vision loss. Meetings include referrals, information, peer counseling, and coping skills. Free parking; Veterans welcome. Group meets quarterly, date/time based on room availability, in the Danville Public Library, or other location, as determined. Danville Public Library, 319 N. Vermilion, Danville. Call ahead to confirm meeting date/time/location. Call: PACE (217) 344-5433 Email: Local Website: Write: Vermilion-VIN PACE, 1317 E. Florida Ave., Urbana, IL 61801-6044

VIPIO (Visually Impaired Persons Inspiring Others) (1991 F,L) This group provides education and support services to people with low vision. Meetings include guest speakers. Free parking. Meets 4th Mon. (except May) at 1:30-3:30 p.m., Danville Public Library, 319 N. Vermilion, Danville. . Call: PACE (217) 344-5433, X18 (voice), (217) 689-0289 (video phone), or (217) 344-5024 (TTY) or Leslie Boedicker, Danville Public Library (217) 477-5227 Email: Email: Local Website: Write: VIPIO-Low Vision Support Group, PACE, 1317 E. Florida Ave., Urbana, IL 61801-6044 or Outreach Coordinator, Danville Public Library, 319 N. Vermilion, Danville, IL.

Developmentally Disabled / Down Syndrome


Down Syndrome Network (1989 A,L) This group improves the quality of life of people with Down syndrome and their families through support, education, and public awareness. Meets monthly for activities and events throughout the year. Calendar can be accessed through the website. Call: (217) 778-6702 Email: Email: Local Website: Write: P.O. Box 1143, Champaign, IL 61824


Central Illinois Down Syndrome Organization (1974 F,L) This organization provides a support group for parents of children with Down syndrome and works to increase public awareness. Has annual Buddy Walk event, and CIDSO Open, a golfing tournament and gala. Facebook page: Central Illinois Down Syndrome Organization. Call: Central Illinois Down Syndrome Organization (309) 452-3264 Email: Local Website: Write: P.O. Box 595, Normal, IL 61761

Disabled Veterans


Disabled American Veterans – Champaign County Chapter 8 (1952 A,L) This group provides fellowship and assistance to disabled veterans. Any veteran with a service-connected disability is welcome. The membership fee is $40 per year. A newsletter is available. Call: Marty Poling (217) 202-8845 Email:

Learning Disabilities


Linking Educators and Parents (LEAP) (2006 F,P) LEAP is a program of The Reading Group and focuses on strategies to help children cope with dyslexia and find ways to overcome the stress that accompanies it. LEAP serves families, school personnel, and college instructors who deal with students with dyslexia, ADHD and other learning differences. Meets 4 times per year on the 4th Tues. of the month, 6:30-8:00 p.m. The LEAP library of books and DVDs is housed at The Reading Group, 3011A Village Office Place, Champaign. Call: Marilyn Kay (217) 367-0398 Email: Local Website: Write: Marilyn Kay, 101 W. Windsor, #3114, Urbana, IL 61802 Facebook: linkingeducatorsandparents


Special Needs Social Club The social club is an opportunity for students, ages 5-21, to cultiate friendships, foster peer relationships, and work to develop and support social skills. Activities vary monthly. While the students engage in an activity, parents are provided a learning opportunity, or a chance to connect with other parents or area resources. Activities vary monthly, however they are shared ahead of time. Events are usually held at Erin’s Pavilion, 4965 S. Second St., Springfield, IL 62703. For more information about upcoming events and location, please contact Jerin Olson. Call: (217) 525-3060 Website:

Number: Year group was formed
A: Affiliated with a state, national or international group
F: Freestanding group
L: Lay run/organized group
P/L: Professional and lay persons share facilitation/organizational roles in group
P: Professional facilitates and/or organizes group meetings